DM Crop Research Group, Inc.

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We had the pleasure of working with the USDA-ARS Plant Genetics Research Unit on one of our main target pests, the Northern Corn Rootworm. Dr. Adriano Pereira was the lead author on the paper that was recently published in the Journal of Economic Entomology.

Susceptibility of northern corn rootworm (Diabrotica barberi) populations to Cry3Bb1 and Gpp34/Tpp35Ab1 proteins in seedling and diet overlay toxicity assays .

Adriano E Pereira, Man P Huynh, Kyle J Paddock, Ryan W Geisert, Veronica Calles Torrez, Janet J Knodel, Daniel J Moellenbeck, Jordan D Reinders, Lance J Meinke, Sharon K Schneider,Thomas A Coudron, Kent S Shelby, Bruce E Hibbard